Core Strengthening Exercises

Core Strengthening Exercises There are many core strengthening exercises! Here at Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness, we have several favorites. We like these exercises best because they are simple and effective. We also want people to remember that the core is made [...]

Auto injury chiropractor

An auto accident is a frustrating and sometimes very painful experience. Finding the right help can be difficult. An auto injury chiropractor will help you to recover.           Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness has experience in working with [...]

Neck Exercises

Cervical Posture Roll (Neck Exercises for Stability) The cervical posture roll neck exercises strengthen your deep cervical flexors. This will help stabilize your neck, allow you to hold a good neck posture easier, and help your adjustments last longer. Video: Cervical Posture [...]

Concussions and Post-concussion Syndrome

Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome A concussion or mild traumatic brain injury most often happens after an impact to the head. A loss of consciousness may or may not occur for a concussion to be present. A loss of consciousness does not always [...]

Upper Cervical Care

What is upper cervical care? Within chiropractic care, there are a variety of treatment methods and specialties. Upper cervical care is one of these specialties that focuses on the neck. It assesses specific problems of the neck and the well-being of the [...]

ITB Syndrome: What it is and how to treat it.

ITB Syndrome This is a painful condition from connective tissue rubbing against the bones at the outside edge of the knee. ITB syndrome most commonly the pain stays at the knee level, but it can radiate up the outside of the [...]

Back Pain Exercises

Last year the American Chiropractic association focused on decreasing back pain. As participants in this campaign Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness wants to share back pain exercises that can help to decrease pain. There are a variety of things that can help [...]

Bridge Exercise

Bridge exercise is excellent for posterior core stabilization.  It will strengthen the gluteal muscles and posterior chain of your core. Bridge exercise will work the buttocks well if performed correctly. The steps gradually become more difficult. You must maintain proper form while [...]

National Chiropractic Health Month October 2017

What is National Chiropractic Health Month? October is the month selected for National Chiropractic Health Month. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has selected this years theme: Go 'back to the basics' to prevent low back pain. Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness has [...]

Industrial Athletes of Portland

What is an industrial athlete? An industrial athlete is someone who pushes their physical limits at work. I believe there are many people in the work force who are elite. These industrial athletes push themselves in many ways to perform at [...]