Plank Progression
The plank exercise is a great exercise to build core strength. By performing this exercise it can help the body be much stronger in many motions. The exercise is very safe for people with low back pain when compared to [...]
The plank exercise is a great exercise to build core strength. By performing this exercise it can help the body be much stronger in many motions. The exercise is very safe for people with low back pain when compared to [...]
Thoracic mobilization. The thoracic spine is the upper part of the back where the ribs attach to the spine. The upper back region is difficult to get moving when it is tight. As chiropractors, we see this area giving may [...]
What is Spinal Hygiene? Spinal hygiene, much like dental hygiene is preventative maintenance. It's used to preserve the health of one's spine. The goal is to maintain or increase the amount of movement and flexibility in the spine. This would be [...]
Ergonomic Workplace Tips When looking at a typical office there has been a shift in the physical ergonomics of the job to more computer based work. This has taken place over the past several decades as our society becomes more digitized. [...]
Core Strengthening Exercises There are many core strengthening exercises! Here at Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness, we have several favorites. We like these exercises best because they are simple and effective. We also want people to remember that the core is made [...]
Cervical Posture Roll (Neck Exercises for Stability) The cervical posture roll neck exercises strengthen your deep cervical flexors. This will help stabilize your neck, allow you to hold a good neck posture easier, and help your adjustments last longer. Video: Cervical Posture [...]
Here are 31 ideas for stress relief in your life. You can do these at home, on the job, or even during leisure activities 1. Take a walk. Alone, with a friend, or with the dog(s). Breathe the fresh air. 2. [...]
So many people are suffering from chronic neck and shoulder pain. Chronic pain is frustrating! You may have even tried multiple health care providers to find relief. Sometimes it may feel as if a massage helps only for temporary relaxation. You might be surprised to [...]
It's summer time and the weeds have taken over! If you find yourself bent over an endless supply of weeds you might find yourself with an achy back the next day. Here are some simple tips for doing some pain free gardening this summer. [...]
Is it safe to crack your neck? Do you feel the need to crack your neck all the time? If so, you probably suffer from some mechanical joint dysfunction. Your spine is full of synovial joints. These are the same type of [...]