Chronic Back Pain Study Review

Chronic back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.  Approximately 60% to 80% of us will have back pain at some point in our lives.  If you have chronic back pain, you [...]

Scar tissue treatment – IASTM

No one likes thinking they are full of scar tissue, but you most likely are. When you think of the words "scar tissue", you probably think of some scar on your body where you injured your skin somehow and the healing process [...]

Why does my neck pop

CRACK! POP! CAVITATION! Holy cavitation Batman!  No, this is not an old Batman episode (POW!) but most often this is what chiropractors are known for. So what exactly is this all holy popping noise we think of when chiropractic is mentioned? Why does it happen? What [...]

FAQ: Is it safe to crack your neck?

Is it safe to crack your neck? Do you feel the need to crack your neck all the time?  If so, you probably suffer from some mechanical joint dysfunction.  Your spine is full of synovial joints.  These are the same type of [...]

10 Things People Don’t Know About Chiropractic

1. Chiropractors know about more than just your backbone! It surprises many people who had no idea that chiropractors treat more than just the spine.  We treat almost all musculoskeletal conditions.  We treat shoulder, knees, wrists, and feet in addition to every [...]

21 Day Cleanse – Final Results

21 Day Cleanse final results It's official!  Our 21 day cleanse is over... well, almost.  Now that the 21 days are done, we begin to add back some of the foods we have been avoiding.  When we did the cleanse 18 months [...]

21 Day Cleanse – Part 1

21 Day Cleanse part 1/4 Today is the day.  Alex and I are starting the 21 day cleanse NOW.  I will be doing a a weekly update with weight and miscellaneous facts.  This morning I weighed 194.4.  The past week I have been feeling tired and [...]