Dead Bug

Dead bug is an excellent exercise for core stabilization.  It will strengthen key core components especially the abdominal muscles. These exercises should be performed in neutral pelvis and with abdominal bracing. The steps gradually become more difficult. You must maintain proper form [...]

Massage therapy in Portland

I am happy to show off two amazing massage therapists.  I believe these two body workers will provide the deep tissue work many of us need.  Finally Cascade Chiropractic & Wellness can offer massage therapy in Portland, OR. Time of service pricing [...]

7 Tips for Pain Free Gardening and Weeding

It's summer time and the weeds have taken over!  If you find yourself bent over an endless supply of weeds you might find yourself with an achy back the next day.  Here are some simple tips for doing some pain free gardening this summer. [...]

Chiropractic Treatment For Headaches

You may suffer from constant or severe headaches.  If so, you may do what most Americans do.  That is simply just reach for the medicine cabinet.  You probably are not having headaches because of a lack of ibuprofen in your diet.  Instead [...]