About Dr. Chris Cooper

I am a chiropractor who specializes in headaches and vertigo. I’ve had so many people come into my office with chronic headaches that won’t go away. They’ve tried the pills, they’ve tried the nerve blocks, they’ve tried massage. Some even have tried other chiropractors. Many of my patients tell me the headache and dizziness are gone after one treatment. My goal is to help everyone feel their best.

Google Places Walk Through

By |November 14th, 2014|Categories: Just for fun, Office News|Tags: , , , |

We are breaking new ground here people!  I mean, we aren't landing a speeding rocket on a flying asteroid, but we are ahead of the game. Google Places Walk Through You may have seen Google Street View.  When searching for an address [...]

Why Choose Chiropractic

By |October 15th, 2014|Categories: FAQs, Health|Tags: , , , , , |

There are many reasons to choose chiropractic and conservative therapy.  But, if you are new to the idea, you may be asking yourself, Why choose chiropractic? Oregon Chiropractic Health and Wellness Month Governor John Kitzhaber declared October 2014 the Oregon Chiropractic Health [...]

Skeleton Selfie Oct 14

By |October 1st, 2014|Categories: Just for fun, Office News|Tags: , , , , |

It's officially October!  It's time to open those closets and bring out your old skeletons.  Just the decorations though.  Leave those metaphoric ones alone. Skeleton Selfie October 2014 Promotion We are doing a fun promotion at Cascade Chiropractic & Wellness for the [...]

Massage therapy in Portland

By |August 29th, 2014|Categories: Muscle health, Office News|Tags: , , , |

I am happy to show off two amazing massage therapists.  I believe these two body workers will provide the deep tissue work many of us need.  Finally Cascade Chiropractic & Wellness can offer massage therapy in Portland, OR. Time of service pricing [...]

7 Tips for Pain Free Gardening and Weeding

By |June 25th, 2014|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , , , , , |

It's summer time and the weeds have taken over!  If you find yourself bent over an endless supply of weeds you might find yourself with an achy back the next day.  Here are some simple tips for doing some pain free gardening this summer. [...]