About Dr. Chris Cooper

I am a chiropractor who specializes in headaches and vertigo. I’ve had so many people come into my office with chronic headaches that won’t go away. They’ve tried the pills, they’ve tried the nerve blocks, they’ve tried massage. Some even have tried other chiropractors. Many of my patients tell me the headache and dizziness are gone after one treatment. My goal is to help everyone feel their best.

Office Closed Week of August 10, 2015

By |July 20th, 2015|Categories: Just for fun, Office News|Tags: , , , , |

Our office will be closed the week of August 10-15. Dr. Cooper is leading a group of Boy Scouts and Leaders on a 50 mile hike. The young men going on the hike live in Portland and have been preparing for this [...]

A Month’s Worth of Stress Relief

By |May 13th, 2015|Categories: Chiropractic musings, FAQs, Health|Tags: , , |

Here are 31 ideas for stress relief in your life. You can do these at home, on the job, or even during leisure activities 1. Take a walk. Alone, with a friend, or with the dog(s).  Breathe the fresh air. 2. [...]

Top 10 Reasons NOT To Try A Chiropractor

By |March 12th, 2015|Categories: Chiropractic musings, FAQs, Just for fun|Tags: , , , , |

Many people still don't know what chiropractic is or what it can do.  I've written other posts to help understand about chiropractic.  In the meantime, enjoy the list. 10. “I like my left shoulder higher than my right.” You’re not alone. Take [...]

Chronic Neck & Shoulder Pain

By |March 5th, 2015|Categories: Chiropractic musings, FAQs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

So many people are suffering from chronic neck and shoulder pain.  Chronic pain is frustrating!  You may have even tried multiple health care providers to find relief.  Sometimes it may feel as if a massage helps only for temporary relaxation.  You might be surprised to [...]

Essential Oils 101: Introduction to Essential Oils

By |February 19th, 2015|Categories: Health, Office News|Tags: , , , |

You may have seen our flier in the office, but if not have a gander. Dr. Cooper and his wife Alex have been curious about essential oils for a while now.  We had a great opportunity to host a class to learn [...]

Diet Advice For A Healthy 2015

By |January 5th, 2015|Categories: Good nutrition, Health, Home Care|Tags: , , , , |

There is no better time to start on a healthy new YOU than now!  I know many people make New Year resolutions, myself included.  I hope this post will guide you in your new goal. In my practice I urge my patients [...]