Neck exercises are important for reaching recovery after a neck injury. There are many different ways to strengthen the neck. The most important thing after an injury is to not overdo it. You can hurt your neck even worse if you do too much too fast.
Pain-free Range of Motion

Low impact neck exercises mean that it is going to avoid causing any further injury. This neck exercise is the pain-free range of motion. You will intentionally move your neck into each motion. Do not push through the pain. Soreness is ok, this means it is tolerable. Sharp pains will mean that neck muscles are severely damaged. The motions start from the neutral neck posture mentioned above. Flexion, extension, rotation left and right, and lateral flexion both ways will test the muscles. It provides healthy motion for the muscles to keep healing.
Perform each direction 5 to 10 times. Do this every day. Do not do so many your neck becomes sore. When muscles have been damaged, a light motion will help them repair.
If less than 5 reps caused pain, the muscle damage is severe. Seek help from your chiropractor, doctor, or physical therapist.
Isometric Muscle Contraction

Neck Flexion Exercise

The neck flexion exercise is more advanced and adds in the weight of the head. You want to become efficient with the less aggressive exercise before trying the one. The exercise is done in a few steps. First, lay on your back. Second, tuck your chin slightly. Third, lift the head up off the floor slowly. The head lift is only about one inch from the floor. It is a small motion, but it does nice work engaging the neck flexion muscle.
Perform this exercise 5 to 10 times. Do this every day. Watch for shaking in the neck and head. shaking means these muscles are weak. Only perform two more holds after the neck becomes shaky. More can overwork the muscles. It will take time to build up the neck muscles again after an injury.
Neck Extension Exercise

Here at Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness specialize in neck care. We pride ourselves in being at the forefront of care options. Our goal is to provide gentle, effective, and comfortable care with lasting results. If you are struggling with neck pain or the recovery process check-in for a consultation (503) 257-1324 or make an appointment with our doctors.
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