Subluxated Cuboid Syndrome

Functional Anatomy

Cuboid syndrome corrected by portland chiropractor chris cooper

The cuboid bone in the foot is highlighted in red.

The cuboid bone is located in your foot near the lateral aspect (little toe side) about halfway between your toes and your heel. Some causes of cuboid syndrome can include pronation of the foot, overuse, and ankle sprains. 

The joint between the cuboid and the calcaneous (heel bone) is a vital link in lateral foot stability. This joint is prone to sudden injury or chronic strain, which can cause this joint to partially dislocate or subluxate. (2)

Signs and Symptoms

When the cuboid subluxates downward, you may experience pain, discomfort, or weakness along the lateral portion of the foot. The pain may come on suddenly or gradually. The long calcaneocuboid ligament, extending from the heel to the cuboid, may become strained, mimicking heel spur pain along the bottom of the heel. Direct pressure on the cuboid often elicits the primary pain symptoms.


Manipulation of the cuboid remains the most effective treatment for cuboid syndrome. (1)  After the manipulation the doctor will usually use taping, orthoses, or a cuboid pad to prevent further occurrence and calm down any irritation.  Herbs or NSAIDs (Tylenol, Advil, etc) can be used to ease inflammation and discomfort.


Athletic tape or foot orthotics can be used to prevent further issues with cuboid syndrome.  Most chiropractors and podiatrists offer some sore of foot orthotic.  Because excessive foot pronation is a cause of cuboid syndrome, a foot orthotic that corrects for pronation can be used for long term correction.  Dr. Chris Cooper and Dr. Rick Allen are able to offer cuboid syndrome treatment and foot orthotics.


1) Durall, Chris J. “Examination and Treatment of Cuboid Syndrome.” Sports Health (2011) 
2) Rick Allen, DC. “Subluxated Cuboid Bone.” (2002)
3) Cuboid Syndrome. Wikipedia.