Dead bug is an excellent exercise for core stabilization.  It will strengthen key core components especially the abdominal muscles.

These exercises should be performed in neutral pelvis and with abdominal bracing. The steps gradually become more difficult. You must maintain proper form while performing the exercises. If a certain step is too difficult to perform with proper form, back up to the previous step to maintain good form.

Video: Dead Bug Exercise

Step 1: Neutral pelvis

Neutral pelvis and abdominal bracing.  Follow the link to find more about neutral pelvis.

dead bug portland chiropractor rehab



Step 2: One arm

Raise one arm at a time overhead.

dead bug portland chiropractor rehab


Step 3: One leg

March legs one at a time to bring knees to chest.

dead bug portland chiropractor rehab


Step 4: One arm and one leg

Bring knee to chest one at a time while raising the opposite arm.  Return foot and arm to floor and switch sides.

dead bug portland chiropractor rehab


Step 5: Full on dead bug

The starting point is arms and legs already in the air.  Raise knee to chest one at a time while raising the opposite arm.  At the same time, extend the other leg above the floor and hover the other arm by the side.

dead bug portland chiropractor rehab

Key Points to Remember!

  • Keep neutral pelvis and abdominal bracing
  • Keep breathing properly
  • Relax everything else
  • Do the exercises SLOWLY


stop sign

STOP if you start to shake, lose form, or your back pain is aggravated.  (A muscle burn is okay)

Additional Resources