Post-concussion syndrome

Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome

A concussion or mild traumatic brain injury most often happens after an impact to the head. A loss of consciousness may or may not occur for a concussion to be present. A loss of consciousness does not always result in a more severe concussion. The severity of the concussion will not determine if post-concussion syndrome will present. Post-concussion syndrome is when the symptoms of a concussion continue past the usual healing time. A concussion will typically heal within two weeks to one month. When the concussion complications last past one month it is then post-concussion syndrome.

What symptoms may present:

* information from

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of concentration and memory
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Blurry vision
  • Noise and light sensitivity
  • Rarely, decreases in taste and smell

Treating a concussion/post-concussion syndrome

For concussions, there are important steps to take. First, stop the activity that caused the impact. Further impacts when the brain can be severe and even cause death. A healthcare professional should examine and monitor the injury. When appropriate doctors need to rule out fractures and brain bleeding. CT is most used.  If the injury is more than 48 hours old,  symptoms are worsening, or the person is very young MRI may be the best choice. Doctors take blood work to check for markers of a concussion. Blood may show other issues that can slow the healing process. Doctors then perform physical and mental neurological testing and exams. A baseline of symptoms develops. Those symptoms are then monitored and measured.
Concussion Chiropractic
In post-concussion syndrome, the symptoms of the concussion have continued. If evaluations like MRI or CT have not been done, they can be considered. However, they may not be necessary. Doctors do tests and exams to measure progress. Evaluations of progress are compared to the baseline. The doctors will track the symptoms.
Chiropractic in Portland
Most often a concussion will improve with rest. Both mental and physical rest is essential. Taking a break from work or school is necessary for best recovery. In some cases, further therapy may help patients to progress. Further therapy is important in post-concussion syndrome. Physical therapy can often be helpful. It can include vestibular (balance), emotion, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Vision, physical, and mental exercises can all be useful.

Special chiropractic care

My opinion is that concussion suffers also need to see a chiropractor. Chiropractic care has helped many people. When the head impacts something injuries happen to muscles and joints. Chiropractors are able to address the joint and muscle injuries. These areas can be missed because the focus is so centered on the brain injury. The brain is the most important, but once doctor checks the brain the body needs to have an examination. Especially the head and neck. Fixing those other injuries can often help.

Chiropractic in Portland

At Cascade Chiropractic and Wellness we perform Atlas Orthogonal care. This treatment focus is on the Atlas. The Atlas is the first vertebrae at the top of the neck. It protects the spinal cord and moves with the skull. Abnormalities in the area of the Atlas may cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, head pressure, mental fogginess, and neck tension. This treatment is not a guarantee to resolve post-concussion syndrome. It has helped many people who suffer find relief. Our office enjoys working with post-concussion patients because the change can be huge. For further questions about this treatment visit our Atlas Orthogonal blog post. Or, contact our office with your questions.